Business Box

As a part of the Business Box community, we are committed to helping you unlock your genuine potential and thrive in the dynamic world of entrepreneurship.

Get in touch


As a part of the Business Box community, we are committed to helping you unlock your genuine potential and thrive in the dynamic world of entrepreneurship.

Available Through:

  • Whatsapp
  • Group Coaching
  • One On One
  • Face To Face
  • Online

Programs with a
strengths-based approach


Career Builder

Define your authentic career journey and make decisions that align with all components in order to develop and apply your unique unmatched potential.

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Start or Build a Business

We discuss how to start or Build your business purposefully in your own unique way. Our proven approach unlocks your potential as well as your business’s to the extent you engage with it.

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Thinking Tools

Thinking tools are a set of world-class habits of thinking, clustered in a unique way to enable users to improve their cognitive, emotional, and social IQ.

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Authentic Entrepreneur Training

This 6-month program unlocks your entrepreneurial potential, teaching you to start, run, and grow a business through practical simulations. We offer diverse learning formats tailored to your style, avoiding content overload. Your progress relies on your commitment to change.The program blends Zoom and in-person sessions, and designed for people from the ages 18 years and older.

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